Wednesday, November 14, 2007


Sometimes words loose meaning
Like on this grim and depressing night
Today even my own image
Expunge me with renewed dread
From my aweary eyes, falls
Yet another uninvited tear
And my friends advice me
“You have to forget everything,
And start a new life”
You tell me - How could I,
Forget everything
Like you forget your dreams
And live as if nothing matters
Or nothing really happened!

Tonight, words of courage
Have been buried alive
And my life looks like a war
A struggle, which I keep loosing
Full of dead soldiers, my dreams
Losing life for a looney goal!
All I can think is my own pain
Hurt and sorrow in myself
Tonight, let me choose myself
My own pace to take me there…

But where are you, my friend?
To scare this destructive pain away
To fight those fiery ghosts
In the battle field along my side
When my tears are falling
Like rain, in torrents!


  1. Hmm... Another one of your moody talks... But I liked the poem... Someway it touches you and wants to comfort... or may be go and find that friend whom you are searching for.

  2. I like it though the theme is too sad....

  3. Thanks Diya and Rob...
