Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Truth in your eyes

Your eyes told me the truth
So, don’t try to hide the veracity
They never lied to me
Nor I think they can ever do
I saw the surging grief in them
Like I saw the love once upon a time
They told me about the future
Or should I say futureless-ness
They told me that I’m a stranger
More alien than someone from Mars
They told me that you are moving on
And have banished me to oblivion
I know the meaninglessness of tears
Which are threatening to fall
I know I have to let you go
I know I have to forget
And hope that you will come back
To be with me forever one day …


  1. It is so sad. I hope that the hope of him / her coming back is not in vain.
    Nice poem!

  2. You will make me cry one day, I guess! Come on.. Cheer up! Things are not that bad!

  3. Another one which sad yet touching in a lot many ways... You are able to move me so deeply with a few verses... Though I'm not crying, I can feel the pain... May be I am in a mood to be emotional...

  4. Anonymous12:13 PM

    People change! Priorities change! No matter how you wish it was otherwise! Part of life and plan of god!
    Nice poem. Do write more.

  5. Thanks all...
    My intention is not to make you all sad or make you cry. But then sometimes it happens.

    I guess I also have to put a disclaimer... The characters in this poem not necessarily have any association with the author. This is pure imagination and kindly take it that way:-)

  6. Do I need to say that you keep impressing me with your poems... They touch me in a lot of unknown ways...

  7. Anonymous12:51 PM

    Liked the way you write poems!

  8. How could I miss this! Heart breaking one!
